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We are responsible for ensuring our business has a positive impact on staff and community; financially, socially and ecologically. 

Sustainability is more than just the environment, it is also about being socially responsible; we take an ethical approach to building sustainable communities and relationships.  We operate with integrity, positivity and respect towards our staff, our community and with all our stakeholders.

Some of the ways we do this are to:

  • treat all our staff, suppliers and partners with integrity and fairness to ensure lawful and sustainable relationships.
  • support our staff with a good health allocation. This helps staff to fund healthcare needs for themselves or their immediate family members. 
  • establish a Diversity and Inclusion Committee made up of members from throughout the company. This committee is active in promoting wellbeing initiatives to staff.
  • be a community minded business and support a large number of major and smaller events in our local community, as well as throughout New Zealand. We support the Whitehaven Wine room at Marlborough’s ASB theatre, we are a hospitality sponsor to the New Zealand Opera and we regularly support school and charitable silent auctions with donations.
  • Ensure all our vineyard contractors are Recognised Seasonal Employer accredited (RSE), and take an active interest in the pastoral care provided to those workers.

A cross functional Sustainability gives everyone an opportunity to have an input and helps to ensure that sustainability becomes a part of our work culture and day to day activities.

Kōparepare is a range of wines we created to support LegaSea, a non-profit organisation set up to help protect and restore New Zealand’s coastal marine environment.  As a Platinum partner to the cause, Whitehaven funds the work of LegaSea with a $1 donation for every 750ml bottle of Kōparepare sold.

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